

It's ady A year!
It still fresh in my mind
there r 3 months at this company
I learned a lot!
internal nor external~
Mr. Tan,
indirectly,directly he teach me
Miss Beeli,
You treat me just like the daughter!
Cannot be denied, your talent,experience and skills make others jealous o!
Kak Biha, Kak Mas, Nor;
I know i m make doubt for you all,very SORRY...
Kak Tamil,
you always beside me when i m 1st step in the floor.
you let me know from the 0;
you teach me from that such empty tong!
i m so lucky can be your colleague
you help me when i m doubt
share your knowledge and your experience!
THANK YOU for all!
I will remembered you'll forever~
P/s: Pizza day, Raya day, the moment when we find the mysterious file.....and more!:)
